Latest news

Retaining wall and surrounding enclosures completed

Community and local businesses combined recently to complete a much needed addition; a two tier retaining wall and kangaroo enclosure. We wish to thank all those who participated and those who generously donated goods and materials. We will add a new page to the site with a full report shortly.

Boobook flies the coop

A Boobook Owl that had come to us on the 1st February with head trauma made a speedy recovery and was ready and eager to be released. So on 5th February we said bye bye to our Boobook Owl. It was a pleasure to care for such a beautiful bird.

Eagle Rescue

An adult male Wedge-tailed Eagle with a broken leg needed rescuing from a property in Nar Nar Goon. This rare event allowed the shelter to experience one of Australia's largest raptors 'up close and personal'. The experience was short-lived however as the bird was transfered to Healesville Sanctuary for follow-up treatment. Click here for some photographs.

Allie's splint removed

Allie the Swamp Wallaby had her splint removed today. She was so excited to finally have access to her itchy foot and had a good scratch.

Allie on the mend

Allie the Swamp Wallaby has been back to the Vet to have her broken toe re-dressed. Staff at the Healesville Animal Hospital sealed the dressing with a little love heart.


How can you help?

  • Sponsor
    An animal in our care.
  • DonateTo the care and rehabilitation of animals in our shelter.
  • ProvideSupplies and services to assist us with ongoing care.
  • Fundraise For UsSchools, groups, organisations are invited to raise much needed funds.